AdVenture Capitalist - New Update (Moon)

Hi everyone! So there's been a new update on Google Play for AdVenture Capitalist. And guess what! We've made it to the Moon! Woohoo! A super big step for mankind!

So how do you access this new area? Basically, go to the menu section and you will see 'MISSION CONTROL'. Click on the 'Launch' button next to it.

Clicking on the 'Launch' button brings you on to this page. I've already been playing this for about 3 days so you can see that I have direct access to the Moon. For those who are new to this, you have to spend some money (actually, huge amount of money), to speed up the launching process to get you up the moon. I sped up mine because I am impatient like that ;)

Anyways, notice the 'CURRENCY EXCHANGE' at the bottom. It allows you to exchange Earth dollars and Moon dollars for Megabucks. These Megabucks cost a lot of money and I've only managed to exchange for 24 of them. The developer promised that these Megabucks will be useful next time so we shall wait for the next update.

I think there will be another planet that will be opened to us soon. And I'm guessing it might be Mars. This is definitely a cool game.

Back to the main track... The moon is roughly the same as Earth. We have stalls and managers to help us manage ours businesses. Interesting things to note will be the names of the stalls. The developers have promised that we will earn more money on Moon. I do agree but it's quite slow. It's definitely harder to keep all the number of stalls level as on Earth as some of them are ridiculously expensive. One of the better business that I would recommend to invest more on would be the Oxygen Bar and Cheese Mines. They produce greater rewards in a shorter amount of time. 

It's also slower to earn angel investors in space too. I use to wait till the I double the amount of angels I have before restarting the game (as I've always done on Earth), but on Moon, I realised that this takes extremely long and that it might not be  good idea. So I end up restarting the game as soon as I reach the same number of angels I currently have. With the increasing number of angels, the game did progress faster but this is only more noticeable after restarting the game multiple times.

So yeah! This is all I have about this new update and I hope you enjoy this game as much as I do!

Cheers :)


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