Half way there! 30 days of yoga with Adriene

I've passed the center mark and landed myself at Day 16! I'm not gonna deny that I have several days in which I have felt really lazy and didn't want to get on the mat, but I persevered and went by my motto of "Just do it" (Yeah, I got it from Nike, but it was something that stuck with me. I procrastinate a lot and that motto was what got me moving.) Anyways, I managed to continue my yoga practice and do it every single day. Even on days when I have to do the routine late at night but it is something I really enjoyed and am proud of doing.
It does get tougher as the days go by but don't worry, yoga doesn't require you to push yourself much. Just listen to what you body tells you and relax. Yoga to me is all about relaxing and staying at the present. And the relaxing part really helps, be it before the start or the end of the day. It soothes your nerves and allows you to focus on the challenges that you will face in the day and also calms you enough for a good night sleep.

Another positive change I've noticed since I started practicing yoga is that my arms really did become more toned. Although it hasn't reach the Victoria's Secret Angels kind of tone-ness, but at least it isn't as flabby as before. I realize I can now support my body weight during plank for a longer period of time. I do not collapse into my shoulders as often and I when I touch my arms, I can feel the difference. It's a really good feeling. As for my core, I haven't seen much difference to be honest, but I believe I'm getting there. There are after all 14 more days to go. Even if it doesn't work out that well for my core after the 30 days, I believe I'll still continue my yoga practice. Maybe following other YouTube videos or repeat this 30 days of yoga with Adriene.

I really enjoy the benefits I got from practising yoga and I would like to continue reaping these benefits. So yeah! Doing yoga everyday is great. Grab a yoga mat and join me. It doesn't have to be a really expensive one (mine was less than SGD$20) and I felt that it's good enough, but of course I wouldn't stop anyone from investing in a good yoga mat. It is after all beneficial in the long haul.

So see you guys! I'll check in again with another post on yoga after I completed my 30 days and I'll report any more positive changes I feel after this one month of consecutive yoga. Meanwhile, I'll post more updates on the TV dramas after I've finished watching them.



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