The Divergent Trilogy

The Divergent Trilogy is part of my book collection stash, as you can see. I bought the box set and watched the movie. Even bought their illustrated movie companion! If you've read my previous post, you'll know I like movie companions. I get to learn how the directors make the movie and how everything fall into place. Making a movie is hard, and reading about the movie making process makes me appreciate the movie more and there's a high chance I'll watch this movie again :)

Here's a little giveaway of the story plot. Somebody major died and yes, I cried a lot at the end. I absolutely dislike sad endings. They spoil my mood and for these few days, I'll be mourning for her death. (And know you know its a female) Why did she die?? :-(

But overall, it was good. Except for the empty feeling I feel inside after the death. It was terrible. I have grown so attached to the characters that I mourn their deaths. And now you know how good Veronica Roth is at writing. She's basically talented :)

So in the meantime while I mourn for her death, I'll be reading a non-fiction book. Just in case any of the characters I like die again.


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