AdVenture Capitalist by Kongregate (Tips)

 Hi everyone! I've been missing from this blog for about 3 weeks (I guess?) and the reason behind this is that I've been busy. Really busy in my small little AdVenture Capitalist world earning 'money'.

It's really addictive and honestly, I didn't expect much when I downloaded this game. It just looked kind of fun and let me tell you now, it seriously is. I've spent up to hours staring at my small little screen looking at my numbers jump. It just felt kind of hypnotizing. But of course you don't have to spend up to hours on this game. It can run perfectly well on it's own.

So here! Let me show you how this game works!
*This game is available for Android, Apple and PC (available for free on Steam). The screenshots shown below were taken from an Android phone.

When you first open the game, you will own 1 lemonade stand. By clicking on the lemon, you gain about $2. The more times you click it, the more money you earn.

*Notice that my 1 lemonade stand costs about $196 quitillion. That's because I've been playing this game for a little while.

Anyways, you can keep clicking on the lemon manually to earn enough cash for you first manager (2nd picture). Hire Cabe Johnson with $1000 to help you run your lemonade stand automatically.

*Purchase managers for your stalls before logging out of your game to ensure that you would continue earning even when you've closed the app.

After hiring the lemonade stand manager, continue earning till you can afford the Newspaper Delivery. Purchase it and hire the manager (Perry Black).

*Try not to hire any managers in areas where you don't have shares in. Save the money for upgrades in areas where you own.

 So this goes on and on until you have shares in every other businesses (Car Wash, Pizza Delivery, Donut Shop, Shrimp Boat, Hockey Team, Cinema, Bank and Oil Company).

Instead of purchasing shares in other businesses, you can also opt for buying more stalls for the current business you own. Let's say you own 1 lemonade stand now and am earning $2/sec. You can purchase another lemonade stand to allow you to earn more money within the same second. The stalls can be purchased one at a time or you can choose to purchase in 10s or 100s. Just change the option at the top right hand corner of your screen.

As you purchase more stalls, you will be able to unlock some benefits from this game. To access them, click to your menu and then click 'Unlocks'.

It will bring you to this screen whereby it shows you how many stalls you need to own in order to unlock the benefits.

For example, if you own 25 lemonade stands, your profit earned from these lemonade stands will double. And if you own 25 stalls in each business, your overall profit will also double. So basically, you just keep earning more and more further into the game.

*It's wise to spread out all your investments across all areas to earn the overall achievement (everything x2).

*The purchase of more Newspaper Delivery can also help increase the profits of other business in later parts of the game. Although purchasing lots of Newspaper Delivery stands seemed like a good investment, it can get expensive really fast. So spread out!

*Towards times where you have lots of business and finding it difficult to buy more, investing in Lemonade Stands can be a good idea. Not only does it cost little to purchase, it can reap great benefits (even greater than profits from the Oil Company).

Remember to also purchase the Cash Upgrades. Purchasing of these upgrades allow you to earn money at a faster rate.

Notice that beside these 'Cash Upgrades', there is an option for 'Angel Upgrades'. These angel upgrades also allow you to maximise your profit. Purchasing of angel upgrades should be of caution. You wouldn't want to spend too much of your angels such that you couldn't earn them back.

To check how many angels you have, click on the 'Investors' tab on the many and it should bring you to this page below. The number of angels increases as the money you earn increases. The bonus per angels for beginners should be about 2%. As you purchase more upgrades, this percentage increases. The extra 5% (in red) can be achieved by logging in to their portal (membership is free).

But anyway, how this works is that you will be able to earn these angel investors every time you reset the game. For example, I have 12.627 quintillion angels now and it says that if I restart this game, I will earn 1.365 sextillion angels. This number will then add on to the number of current angels I have now.

It's worth it to restart the game for the angels as they allow you to progress through your game faster with all the extra bonuses they bring.

Back to the point about angel upgrades. These angel upgrades, like I've said, allows you to purchase upgrades using the angels you have earned from restarting your game.

*Try to purchase angel upgrades only when it costs less than 1% of your total angels as this would guarantee a large profit which also means earning back all the angels you have spent and more.

I sometimes splurge on upgrades such as Everything x11 when buying angel upgrades. But I felt that this was worth it as I always manage to earn all my angels back.

*Angels that are used to buy angel upgrades or sacrificed in any other way will be lost permanently. They do not reappear in your Total Angels tab even after restarting the game.

The game generally gets easier after every restart.

*The first restart can be done when you realise that the number of angels you are gaining have started to show signs of slowing or basically when you are bored with the game. 

You can even restart the game several times within a single day. Just make sure you are earning angels every time you restart. I generally restart whenever I double my angel count.

So I'm gonna end my post with a screenshot. (You will see this screen when you reopen the game after going offline. And yes, I was offline for only 6 minutes because I wanted to do this screenshot.)

This is to remind you that the game can continue well on its own and it is ok for you to go offline. So go have fun outside and when you re-enter, a ton of money will be waiting for you. (It's time to splurge!)

Have fun with the game! Cheers!


  1. Hey I've got the amazing guides that cover various aspects of the game like AdVenture Capitalist. Thanks a lot for sharing with us.


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