My First Climbing Experience

Hi guys! I've never mentioned this but I've been wanting to get my hands on climbing for quite some time and I even went for the CCA climbing trial in my school last year. I totally enjoyed myself but I got talked out of it by my climbing friends who showed me their injuries and scars. Plus the CCA ended really late at night and I didn't want to go home alone so late.

So when my cousin told me recently that he's been climbing, I got really excited and asked whether I could tag along with him. He said yes and that was it! I went with him and got another try on climbing. We did bouldering at the climbing gym (something which I was too afraid too try at the CCA trial because there was no harness). I was scared. I didn't know his friends there and I was shy plus I was afraid of heights. So basically I screamed my lungs off before jumping down from the bouldering wall (super embarrassing). I got used to falling eventually and I started to focus on trying to complete the routes. I didn't manage to complete any, sadly. My techniques require some working on and so does my strength. So yup! I was the weakest there but everybody has to start somewhere right? (That's what I keep telling myself so as not to feel embarrassed when I fail)

So here's one of the routes which I kept working on and failing. It's also the route that gave me blisters on my hand (my first war scar!) hahahaha! Anyways, will definitely be back trying to complete this route though. I have to at least complete one! (still embarrassed)

A week later after bouldering, I was itching to go climb again and that was when I saw Clip n' Climb. It looked really cool with those colourful walls and best of all, it has an auto-belaying machine! YAY! which means I can climb alone without needing somebody to belay me :)

I went and try it out and boy the walls were high (8 m). And being the weak me... I only managed to complete 1 level one wall (there are a total of 3 levels of difficulty) :( 
But the feeling of being able to complete one was awesome. Even though I wanted to give up in the middle as my arms were starting to feel weak. I reminded myself that I should rely more on my legs and that's what brought me up higher and eventually complete the route on the high wall. YAY!

That's me up there. I didn't complete this wall though... Even though it was supposedly difficulty level 1. I'm surely am weak! It was fun at the Clip n' Climb trying out different walls and they were all so colourful and nice to look out. :) Nice to look at but difficult to climb :(

I don't think I will be going back to Clip n' Climb anytime soon though... Since the entry fees only entitle us to 90 mins of climbing as compared to the climbing gym I mentioned earlier which was per entry. But now, my plan was to work on my technique and strength in the climbing gym before coming back to Clip n' Climb and scaling all the walls! MUAHAHA (hopefully I can do it)

Anyways, my next climbing session I believe will be this Sunday... not entirely prepared to blister my hand again but I wanna climb... so I guess it's a sacrifice that I need to make. See ya!


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