My Workout Schedule - Gym/Run/Yoga/Pilates/Sports

School has been pretty busy lately and I haven't joined any races since the Great Eastern Run last year. But I have been fitting in workout sessions into my busy school schedule and although I'm not sure whether all my work is paying off, I'm feeling rather great about myself!

So recently, I started gyming. From what I read online, gyming can help to tone muscles (core and legs) and so it definitely would help in my running posture which would also improve my timing overall. And hence the motivation to gym!
I've heard many who said that people who loves to gym hates running and those who loves to run hates the gym. I don't understand why though. I love both! (Although I would rather run outside than on the treadmill. It gets kind of boring after a while. I love to run and explore new places)

For running, I am happy to announce that I am slowly making progress to running 10 km!
(Yay *claps*)
I've been running 5 km for quite a while and now I'm slowly increasing my mileage. About a month ago, I tried going through with the full 10 km distance and phew! It was tiring! I jogged my way through the first 6 km but the remaining 4 km was a mixture of walking and jogging. The timing wasn't that great but it will improve. Slowly but surely.

Days without races to look forward to is definitely boring! I've been searching online and looking through the Just Run Lah! race calendar updates and I'm pretty psyched about some of the races!
I'll be joining the Sundown Marathon 2016 in May and also The Performance Series.

Sundown Marathon 2016
I believe most of you know what is the Sundown Marathon since it's pretty famous. The main highlight of the race is that it takes place at evening/night and that is during the time where our body starts to 'shut down' and goes into recuperative mode. In other words, this would mean running would become an even tougher challenge!
As I've always been a night person, hearing about a night race got me so excited. I've decided to join the 10 km race for this one because why not? Since it's in May, I believe I do have ample time to train for it! So YOLO!

The Performance Series
This might be a bit unheard of. Basically, it's a series of 5 races. What I like about this series is that I get a chance to race in different terrains. According to the organizer, the venues of the race comprises of oasis/island, lake, heartland, reservoir and farm settings. The first race would be on 1 May 2016 at Punggol Waterway/Coney Island!
Because the race series have races from different parts of Singapore, it would be something different from most of the races which always takes place at the Marina area. Although that area really has a nice view, it's good to change the route once in a while and try running in farm settings~
I've always wanted to try a vertical marathon too! And I'm happy to see that one of the races in this series will be a vertical marathon :) So this will be one item checked off my bucket list!
What is so cool about this race series is the design of the medals! The medals were designed such that, after you finish all 5 races and have collected their respective medals, the medals can all join together to form the Singapore map! How creative is that!
And I'm already prepared to sign up for this race series (all 5 of them! they come at a bundle price). Similarly, I would be going for the 10 km race.

This shall be the year of the 10 km races!

At the beginning of this year, I've started going to some of the fitness classes ActiveSG has to offer. I've always been a fan of yoga ever since I started practicing them on my own last year. However, I would have preferred having a professional by my side to give pointers as to whether I am doing the poses correctly. Not only will this help prevent injuries, I find that it would help me improve my practice.

One of the classes I attended is the BodyBalance for Starters class that is held at Bishan Swimming Complex. This practice is a mixture of yoga, tai-chi and pilates. For every session, all 3 would be practised.
As it is a starter class, the poses and actions are rather easy to follow. Although there might be some challenges here and there, I actually don't feel intimidated! As everyone is there to learn and are all beginners, we are all roughly about the same level. And hence there is no need to feel ashamed if you couldn't do a pose.
I really enjoy this class and it always feels as if time passes really fast during the sessions. After the sessions, I normally feel really relaxed and energized. This is definitely a class that I would love to continue!
The day after my BodyBalance class is my pilates class. I just signed up for both even though my friends have warned me that it would be really tiring. But hey! It's been okay so far~ 3 weeks have passed and I'm enjoying it.
Pilates is definitely a challenge for me. Unlike the BodyBalance class which I felt was more of stretching and relaxing, pilates requires us to be more active during the classes. The exercises done there are similar to static exercises and sometimes, it can get really tiring. As this class I attended has a classroom, there are mirrors at the front for us to check our posture. This is really a plus point as compared to the venue of my BodyBalance class, which is at the canteen of the swimming complex.
The class itself is rather tiring. We work our core, legs, arms and hips. It feels like a full body workout. Although tiring, the feeling after the class is great! Energized and definitely hungry!

After mentioning all the activities that I've tried to fit into my life, I'll show you when I actually do them. I try not to miss out any of the activities because of my busy school work.

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Run/Gym (Evening)
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Run/Gym (Evening)
Friday - BodyBalance (Evening)
Saturday - Pilates (Morning) & Sports (optional, depending on mood)
Sunday - Run (or rest, depending on weather)

During the days on which I rest, I would sometimes do a full body stretch. I've found a really good video on YouTube and have fell in love with the wonderful routine!
This is the link if you want to try it out! Full Body Stretch Yoga

So this is it! My workout schedule for the week! I'm still constantly looking for ways to improve myself and for new activities to do. I have been thinking of cycling, badminton and tennis during times when I feel I have lots of extra energy to spare. And for classes wise, I would definitely love to continue doing yoga and maybe pick up a new class like Muay Thai? It would be fun right?

Cheers to an active life! XOXO


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