Jigsaw Puzzle Piecing

I haven't been writing regularly mainly because I guess there's nothing much happening right now. But I've got to say I'm really happy to have completed my first 'order' for the jigsaw puzzle piecing.

About 10 months ago, I started putting up notices on the net about offering my services in helping others to piece up their puzzles if they are simply just to busy to do so. And I'm really glad that I did receive a response!

So here is it again for those who might have missed it:

If you love jigsaw puzzles but dislike the long process of having to fix them up to see the beautiful images, drop me an email at piecethispuzzleforme@gmail.com and I will piece them up for you!

The pricing are as below:
500-1000 pieces: $10
3000 pieces: $35
5000 pieces: $55

Unopened boxes are welcomed but if you did open them before, I won't be responsible for the missing pieces if there are any. But please be rest assured that I would take good care of your puzzle pieces! Also, please do provide the frame for which you would lie your jigsaw puzzle to be framed in. Payment method will be cash upon delivery.

Only orders from Singapore will be entertained!



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