
The movie - Minions, is a movie that explains how the minions evolved and came to find Gru as their current master as in Despicable Me 1 & 2.

The main characters for this movie are Stuart, Kevin and Bob (as from left to right in the poster). 
The minion population have tried to look for the biggest and baddest boss they could find but they were generally unsuccessful before our heros if this movie decided to go on a quest.

One thing which I find it really cool about this movie is that although I do not speak the minion language, but I have absolutely no problem understanding what they are talking about. Although there were times when I wished they placed subtitles for the minions so that I can know the exact words they were saying.

My favourite minion is Bob. He's really cute, kind of like a kid but he often gets into trouble. He is mainly the joy and laughter of this movie.

But to be honest, this movie got kind of boring in the middle. Especially with Scarlet Overkill, because she never dies. Nobody ever dies in this movie so it gets a bit irritating for me. Like, 'didn't you just die???? why are you back again????'

There are many times when I seriously wondered whether this movie will ever end. And then  I see kid Gru and I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally this is going to end.

And I started missing the cute voices of the minions :(

But remember to stay for a while during the credits scene because there are still short clips at the end! Your last chance to see the minions!



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